Not enough is ever posted to remind site builders to keep their platfoms updated. If you use Worpress or Joomla for example, this even more important as the more popular the platform, the more likelihood it will be exploited. When a new version of Wordpress or Joomla is released, you can usually give it just a few weeks before upgrading so whatever bugs rise to the surface can get worked out. If you wait much longer, you are just asking for it. Hackers work night and day to exploit the larger platforms as their is a bigger payoff globally for them. This should not be limited to just the platforms, but the addons and plugins as well. If a new version of a plugin is available, you should be upgrading it. While plugins are very rarely the cause of an exploit, to say some can't be exploited would be foolish. Only use reputable plugins as well or plugins that have a long track record. This will go a long way in helping security wise.
As far as
BANS goes, it appears pretty safe as of this post. It likely will be a long time if and when any upgrades are made to it. Might be never. As far as third party addons to BANS, I would be very cautious. There are only a small handful of people I know that I would be trusting any mods from. Very few at that. By using a third party mod and not knowing what to look for, you are setting yourself up to be tracked or worse exploited.
With any database driven website, it is always prudent to constantly be backing up your files and database on a regular basis and also changing your passwords. Security is an ongoing job all webmasters should be aware of.
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