Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Are You Being Framed? Try The Frame Buster Wordpress Plugin

We all have either seen it, done it or had it happen to one of our own sites. A whole site or specifically a page that is served in someone else's frame. Depending on what the content is or isn't, many do not mind this as long as eyeballs are on it. In my mind, I hate to see anyone monetize any part of my site regardless. Some of the latest URL shorteners do this as well. In fact you will probably see more sites do this as the norm as an attempt to keep trying to convert a surfer after they click a link linking elsewhere. I have started to see this more and more as of late.

If you are running Wordpress, you can use the free plugin named Frame Buster. It is light and does the job. I have used this on two of my own very high traffic sites for a month now with no repercussions or problems. These two sites have notoriously been targets of framed content. Not anymore though. If you have a non Wordpress site such as BANS, you can just use a free javascript frame buster type script if you so choose. Framekiller is one of many. Just use Google to search out a free fram killer or buster.

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