Thursday, January 15, 2009

Comma Fix For BANS Pages Not Saving

If you are hosted with Hostgator, you may have noticed that pages with commas in them will not save properly after editing. This is due mostly to changes I believe Hostgator has made to the magic_quotes_gpc setting. The fix is quite simple as pointed out by BANS forum member ReneeT. To fix and solve this...

Go to your Hostgator Cpanel and under "Software / Services", click on "php.ini quick config", find "magic_quotes_gpc" and set it to "On" without the quotations.

As always, make sure to test it out and notate this change you made somewhere you can easily locate it.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you!

This fix worked perfectly for me!

Anonymous said...

Dude, you have NO idea how much I appreciate this post. I am a BANS "newbie", and I was completely lost, wondering why my content pages weren't saving, and about to put my fist through the wall. I spent over two hours racking my brain until I found this post on Google. Dude, you ROCK!!!!

Tania on April 25, 2009 at 10:16 AM said...

Thank you! Couldn't figure out what happened. This fix worked great.


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