Friday, October 16, 2009

Changing The Google Adsense Ads In Wordpress Ads Theme Template

To continue on with editing the Wordpress Ads Theme Template, we will address the Adsense ads that are scattered throughout the template. There are 5 files that need editing. I have listed the 5 files below that need the default Adsense of the creator changed to your own ad. Listed next to the file name is the size ad that you need to replace it with. 4 files use the 468x60 size ad and one uses the 160x600 size add. You can edit all of these files in your Wordpress dashboard by clicking Appearance and then Editor and the the matching file on the left hand side. These is a very easy process and should not take you more than 30 minutes at most.

single.php 468x60
index.php 468x60
page.php 468x60
page-archive.php 468x60
sidebar.php 160x600

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