Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Know Your Width Limitations

I have a ton of sites, way too many. Like most in the early days of BANS, it was just too easy to build these things and throw them up. I have several that I blog weekly on and really have too many of those as well. Now it is one thing to build a niche site that will not need weekly blog post and maintenance, as long as it is thick with content and done right, but don't stretch yourself too thin. It is very easy to do. The fact of the matter is, you really only need 10-20 well thought out sites to earn a fantastic income. Concentrate on your site quality, not the quantity of sites you can build. I know several are back into the automated sites, but that just isn't my cup of tea. Trust me when I say you will be rewarded by building great sites and you should not stretch yourself too thin. You can only do so much in a day. I do this full time and never get around to some sites, but maybe 3 times a year. Know your width limitations. Everyone's is different. Before anyone ask, no, none are for sale.

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Tao on December 3, 2009 at 6:36 AM said...

I think products like Auction2Post or WP-Robot do add value to the site, as long as you don't abuse the way they work.

Flooding your site with too much content every day will certainly trigger alarms for some search engines, but adding slowly and in a more random manner would be beneficial.

But yes, 20 sites is pretty manageable, as long as you can keep tabs on what you have done, where and why.


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