Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tips & Tricks For The Wordpress wp-config File

I came across an interesting video on Wordpress.tv today that caught my eye. It is by Josh Harrison and is dedicated to the Wordpress wp-config file and the things you can do to it. That file is the most important file in Wordpress. There are quite a few things I learned myself. I have mentioned the Wordpress.tv site several times in the past and if you are new to my blog or Wordpress in general, you really need to spend some time on that site. there is a ton you can learn there even if you have used Wordpress for a while. I try to visit the site at least once every couple of weeks and try to learn something new.

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Anonymous said...

Not trying to be snarky or anything, but what can you do with it? What makes it so important and cool that we would want to change it? Are there benefits to changing it? What are the things you learned yourself?

soggy on December 1, 2009 at 9:57 PM said...

The security of moving it up a level I did not know for one thing and I could go on. Also the SVN. Did you not watch the video? Perhaps you already knew all of this, so it was not new to you.



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