Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Great Content Still Gets The Best Kind Of Backlinks

It is a lesson that needs repeating often. So many try to avoid it, but the fact remains that great content will get your site the best backlinks in the shortest amount of time. Through the revamping of several of my own websites recently, I have focused on thickening up thin sites from the early days with great original content. Of course after adding this great content I promote the hell out of it through whatever social media I can in order to try to get it in front of as many eyes as possible. Many times it results in backlinks given unconditionally on like sites. Not all the time mind you, but more times than not. I target low hanging keyword fruit as well, which makes MOST of the articles easy to rank.

I can speak from experience that it does not take long for these type of backlinks to boost you tremendously in the rankings as these links usually come from more authoritative types of sites and carry heavy weight. It could be a forum post link or blog post. Regardless these links can juice a whole site inside and out. If you struggle with building backlinks unnaturally, concentrate on adding more great targeted content to your site. I promise it will not hurt you and only help in more ways than one. It has been proven time and time again, but many choose to ignore it as fact.

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Chad said...

Hey Dave,

This doesn't really concern "backlinks" but as far as content... do you have a "rule of thumb" that you use for product pages as far as the amount?

I have heard many varied opinions on this such as people think 250 words is sufficient and others think 400-500 is necessary. I was just curious as to how much Google will require to consider it a "true" page to be able to rank for.

I'm sure it depends on the competition as I have some thin sites that rank in the top 3 but the competition for these keywords is very low.

What do you think?

soggy on May 27, 2010 at 6:57 AM said...

@Chad, I do not put a limit on amount of words. Generally though, I end up with 200 plus. I have seen pages with much less rank higher. As long as it is unique mind you.



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