Monday, November 22, 2010

If You Auto Blog You Need A VPS Host

The discount code for the Auto Blog Blueprint 2.0 has been quite popular and a few that bought have emailed me questions. As Michael Johnson suggest, you will not want to set these up on shared host like Hostgator. Now there is nothing wrong with Hostgator mind you, it is just when you get a few of these going, they will set off a red flag and they might suspend your account or shut your sites down until you stop the auto blogging. You might get away with one, two or even three, but they will catch you. I use 6 different hosting companies and the best choice for auto blogs is Servint Essential VPS. They are great with phone call support and getting you set up as well. Make sure whatever hosting you use, make sure it is a fast VPS that allows auto blogs. You have been warned.

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