Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Businesses On Facebook

Facebook is a social network platform that continues to be un-tapped by most niche site builders such as ourselves. While I do have a few sites hooked up with Facebook that I utilize, I do not use it as much as I should. The funny thing is, I see results from the little effort I put forth on it. I just need to do more of it. I am currently revamping some sites right now that have been long overdue, but as soon as that list is put to bed, I will be full steam ahead on some Facebook work.

My wife is a huge TV and internet shopper, a byproduct of that is that there is no shortage of catalogs that arrive in my mailbox everyday. One caught my eye this afternoon after checking the mail. It was from the Dressbarn. Emblazoned on the cover was a small Facebook logo with the URL to their page along with their main website URL. I decided to check out their Facebook page to see how they were utilizing it. Below i have links to a few high profile businesses including Dressbarn, so you can see how these companies are utilizing an under utilized platform.

Dressbarn Facebook
Pizza Hut Facebook
QVC Facebook
Sprint Facebook
The Gap Facebook
Peets Coffee Facebook
Staples Facebook

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Anonymous said...

When you say you see some results with very little effort, exactly what sort of results do you see? I have found some traffic through Facebook but I'm not exactly sure what it's good for. I don't find it converts into anything tangible.

soggy on September 17, 2009 at 3:30 PM said...

@Anonymous I am seeing click throughs to eBay from niche specific Facebook pages on small amounts of referrals. Hope that helps.


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