Thursday, March 13, 2025

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Keeping Your Mind Right

As many know that read this blog, I do a lot of reading. Not big novels ore text books mind you, but short and easy positive mental attitude type books. Being self employed and especially full time in making money online has it's ups and it's downs. I am not talking about the monetary part either. What I have found more so lately is the higher profile I become, the more people try to knock you down or steal what you have. Not surprising in the least. You would be surprised to know that even another blogger scrapes this very blog for their own monetary gain. What I am good at is controlling what I can control and forcing out of my mind what I can not control. An oldie but goodie I just picked back up and reread last night is:

Life Is Tremendous

It only contains 100 pages and is power packed reading. Great to read again and again. Keeping your mind right is very important for anyone, especialkly for the self employed.

What do you read to keep your mind right?

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Anonymous said...

A great book that i've read several times and live by is "The New Psycho-Cybernetics" Edited by Dan Kennedy. Its been updated but this book has changed my life. Soggy you can use this book or relate to it in every way. Being self employed, family, relationships or BAN user (wink). I've been following this blog for a while now and i've been listening to you on the forums and to say you've helped me would be an understatement. Keep up the good work and a big thank you. Do yourself a favour and get this book.

Anonymous said...

Soggy ill go one better, i searched your blog for a donate button but couldn't find one to pay for this book. PM me on the Bans forum, my name is Thomas and i will buy you the book for all the help you've given me. Hope this inspires you to stay on track and keep doing what you're doing. Don't let the scum of the net who steal and cheat others effect the great work your doing here.You will outwork them and outsmart them beause the passion you show cannot be bought or stolen.


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