Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Shopzilla WordPress Plugin

If you have been using the Wordpress Shopzilla plugin I mentioned a while ago, there is a new updated version and it is not as good. You can only use products that list the comparative prices. I am still trying to fool around with it and will post if I find an easier solution. Please check your sites that are using this plugin ASAP. If you want to use Shopzilla without a plugin on BANS sites, register here and use the Dynamic Assets.

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Unknown on October 15, 2009 at 5:39 PM said...

we've spent the past couple of months buildiing a new shopzilla wordpress plugin with a bunch of cool extensions and easier interface.

we'll be putting it up at before the end of october 2009 for feedback

Anonymous said...

"If you have been using the Wordpress Shopzilla plugin I mentioned a while ago, there is a new updated version and it is not as good."

100% Agreed but it is the new shopzilla API that is to blame not the writer of the plugin. Do keep us updated if you find a work around to it only showing comparative price items.


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