Friday, November 5, 2010

Google Adding More Ads To Top Of Search Results

Here is one for the Google haters as Barry Schwartz posted that Google is testing Adwords at the top of search result pages to show a total of up to 11 ads as you will see in his post. The extra 8 ads are shown when you expand the section and of course shifts down the free organic Google search results. I have not payed too much attention to this myself, but I can tell you that my organic search traffic is better than ever from Google right now. It also is due to the arrival of the early Christmas shoppers who are indeed already buying. Who knows when or if Google will implement this full time, but I would assume that they would wait until after the Holiday shopping season. We shall see. You can now put the tin foil flaps back over your eyes and ears. Happy Friday everyone. It has been a great week and going to be an even better weekend.

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