Thursday, March 13, 2025

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Easy Contact Form

As many of you have seen in the last post, I have new contact form for this blog. I have been meaning to post a contact form on this blog for a while, but for one reason or another, just have not gotten around to scratching this off my list. Although I have posted my email on this blog numerous times, people still have a hard time getting questions to me and end up just sending me a private message on the BANS forum. In a mere few hours since posting the new form, I have had several asking where I got the form and how I made it work on Blogspot blogs.

The form comes from Kontactr and can be integrated into any site, even a BANS site. To make it work in Blogger Blogspot blogs, you simply need to remove the line breaks and paragraph breaks using the text tool I posted about a while ago. So simple it will take you all of 5 minutes to do.

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ROB B said...

Question- I still have the ability to install BANS even though I was rejected by EPN?

soggy on August 17, 2009 at 10:57 AM said...

@ROB, Yes, In fact it is highly suggested to build your content site with BANS first before you even apply to EPN. Build a content site first minus the auction listings. Then re-apply.



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