Monday, March 31, 2025

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why I Like For Domain Names

I have used many, many domain registrars over the many years in this business. For the longest time I used Godaddy until about a year and half ago. That is when I came across If you have used Godaddy in the past, you know how hard it can be to be to just get from point A to point B in just getting a domain name registered or renewed. On top of that they want to upsell you at every turn and make navigation very difficult. Now this post is not to really knock Godaddy, as I have used them over the years with only one domain stolen about 7 years ago. It was my own fault and I got it back with the help of Godaddy. This post is to point out how easy is to use and navigate. It is super simple to transfer over domains there as well when the come up for renewal. All you need is the authorization code for the domain name you are transferring from your current registrar. You will get a few emails of course to confirm the transfer, but I have never run into any problems. is also active on Twitter and have a blog in which they alert you to upcoming specials. I have nothing to gain by referring you, I just like to give credit where credit is due and by the end of this year, will be the registrar for all my domains. Give them a look.

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Unknown on September 21, 2010 at 2:48 PM said...

I just took a look and the pricing is $9.99 per domain. Is that their best price for .com domains? At GoDaddy they have a bulk user membership thing which is $90 / year and then you get domains at like $7.50 each so if you have more than about 45 it makes sense to do it and get the savings... I have nearly 300 domains so the additional $2.50 per domain is a chunk of change if $9.99 is the price for .com domains.

soggy on September 21, 2010 at 5:42 PM said...

Like most domain places, you can find coupon codes all over the place year round. Name even list them on Twitter some times. Like anything, you need to way the cost out and see what fits your needs the best. Like I said, I have never had a problem with Godaddy, but enjoy Name much more. My income is much more than most I suppose, so I can justify the nominal price difference when I can not find a coupon code. By all means stay with Godaddy if it fits your budget.



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