Sunday, June 8, 2008

Make Your Own Niche Store Header Image

Sometimes I have to remind myself that some people struggle with some things more than other things. Sometimes creating a header image can be tough for newbies and software like Gimp (which is free) or Photoshop (which is pay) is a bit overwhelming. I came across an interesting free banner/header generator that might help a few people out in getting a decent header image done. It is Sunday, so I give you permission to break from all of that BANS backlink building you are doing to play around with this tool and master it. You do have to register to download your creation, but free is free and if you are graphic challenged this will suffice. There are other free online banner creators to use if you search Google. I do suggest downloading Gimp and learn some free tutorials from Youtube or do a search on Google for free gimp tutorials. Designing banners and headers will help you forever, so the quicker you learn simple graphic creation the better.

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Tao on June 9, 2008 at 8:32 AM said...


Looks like you killed it!

Its down at the moment...


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