Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Microsoft IE8 To Have Privacy Features Added

Thought I would make a post about the new beta Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 browser that is coming out. Supposedly it will have a privacy feature that will need to be enabled. Some are calling it a "porn mode" so users can cover their tracks. Like most features, several users will not even know how to use it, so I do not see it as a huge threat to the cookie distribution business or BANS Stores. Private browsing opens up a separate window; when closed, it deletes records of cookies, passwords, search queries, temporary Internet files, form data and words typed into the address bar. This will need further scrutinization once released. I suspect I will be able to get a copy from the newsgroups very soon.

A number of folks have looked at the way the latest beta of IE8 will be used as an anti-Google weapon. One aspect of it: a privacy mode that theoretically could prevent Google (or anyone else) from collecting useful information for ad targeting.

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Anonymous said...

This doesn't sound good at all.

SkolVikings on September 1, 2008 at 3:57 PM said...

You don't have to get a copy from the newsgroups... just go to Microsoft's site and click the download link!


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