Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sunday, August 31, 2008

How I Like To Use Adsense On BANS Sites

While Adsense ads are often debated about on their effectiveness on Build A Niche Stores, I still have a great deal of success with them when I use them. Primarily I like to use them on pages that are highly niche keyword driven and prefer to match the color scheme of the ads to the the color scheme of my site. By doing this it looks a little less adsensy (is that a word?). They tend to look more like text links then they do ads. As I have said in numerous other post, I do not really try to hide the fact that I am an eBay affiliate and list auctions on my site. That said, some people just do not like eBay for some reason or another. My adsense ads give me another chance to monetize my surfers. A quick test run of a week or so will let you know if you are making pennies or are making quarters or even dollars per click. If you are only making a few pennies, then see about searching out some longer tail keywords and adding them to the page in the form of unique content. Surprisingly you might find that you can increase the earnings per click if you fall into a competitive long tail phrase. Once again, Adsense might not be right for every BANS site, but overall I think you can find that it can produce a sizable income stream if done right and effectively.

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Anonymous said...

Where on teh page do you place the adesene blocks?

soggy on August 31, 2008 at 8:44 PM said...

courseladder, It depends on the site. Sometimes above in the middle, sometimes on the right side. Depends on the layout or template I use as to blend it in better.

Anonymous said...

so like in the navbar?

I have been very hesitent to add adsense to my bans despite having it in my blogs.

I really dont want to detract from the ebay cookie setting.

Anonymous said...

perhaps a more concrete example...

If I were using layout 1 right (or something similar) where would you place the adsense blocks?

How many would you place?

soggy on August 31, 2008 at 9:27 PM said...

No just above the listings on some sites, not in the navbar. It all depends on your niche. if you think it will detract and cost earnings, by all means dont mess yourself up. I have played around with it a while and found on some sites that I do not think it detracts. It is a matter of what you are comfortable with.

Anonymous said...

thanks sogggy... I dont have enough experiense yet to say if it will dtract from ebay earnings... I will probably add adsense into my themes at some point, but I need to have a baseline first... given I am less than 2 months into it and my organic searches continue to rise I dont want to touch too much just yet. :)


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