Thursday, March 13, 2025

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

EPN Transaction Report Changes Starting September 10th

Below is the current notice from EPN....

As explained in our Blog Post published August 19th, we wanted to make sure you're aware of the enhancements to the Transaction Download Report in our upcoming September 10th release. If you are using the ePN API to automatically receive and process this report, or are an active user of this report, please be aware of these changes and make the proper adjustments.

Field Changes:

We will be adding three more fields to the right of the existing data columns (note that there will still be an unused last column, which will now be to the right of these three new fields). These three new columns are the Site ID, Meta Category ID, and Unique Transaction ID.

New Field Details:

The Site ID will identify the site on which the conversion took place (e.g.,,, etc)

The Meta Category ID will provide the top-level category of the item according to eBay's category structure (the "Leaf Category ID" available today only gives the most detailed category classification of that item. . With this information, you will be able to identify which general category of goods the item belonged to, and in turn understand which items convert best. For example, the eBay US category ID for Clothes, Shoes, and Accessories is (2559875).

Unique Transaction ID for Revshare transactions: this will contain a unique Transaction ID, which will help you to track each transaction individually, as well as any associated actions taken against this specific transaction, such as a credit.

You will be able to find more information on Site ID, Category ID and the Unique Transaction ID in the help section after the September 10th release.

For more information on how to correctly identify a transactions' Site and Category IDs see here:

Site IDs:

For the US:

For the UK:

Category IDs:

The list of US eBay Category IDs is here:

For other countries, please check your corresponding country eBay site for the correct category IDs.

Non Paid Transaction Events:

As of September 10th, Publishers will also have the ability to view both Paid and Non Paid Transactions. A Non Paid Transaction is an action that happens on the site for which the relevant affiliate program does not pay out, e.g. a non winning auction bid or CRU in the US or UK. When you select to run the Transaction Report from your ePN Publisher Account, you will see a radio button selection that will allow you to choose to have unpaid transactions included in all the events you download for the transaction download file. The default setting is to show only payable transactions, as occurs today.

We're hoping these enhancements will allow you to optimize your traffic more effectively, as well as help you understand your site transactions better. If you are currently using the Transaction Download API we believe these changes will only require a minor adjustment. Keep in mind that if you simply delete the last four columns of the new report (the three new columns plus the existing unused column, which will be the last column as it is today), you will have the same report as you do today.

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