Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who Links To Your Competition And Why?

You can really learn a ton from looking at your competition in the rankings for particular keywords or phrases. The top 10 on the major SERPS are there for a reason. More than likely you will find they have great backlinks and possible an abundance of them using varied anchor text. Also you will likely find other reputable more established closely related sites linking to them as well. I will once a gain point you to a free tool that I have pointed out before. Backlink Watch can show you a majority of backlinks for any site. Take a good look at the sites linking to your competition. Are they mostly directory listings? Are they solid like sites? Are the forum post? The good thing it will also tell you is the anchor text pointing back to the site along with the number of outbound links the site linking from has on the particular page and whether or not it is a nofollow link or not. Are these places you can get links from. Most of the time they are. A bunch of times it will not take as many backlinks as your competition has to outrank them as well. I would gladly take a solid backlink from a like site in the same general realm of my niche than I would 100 link directory links. The less outbound links a site has on a page the better the juice. Not all backlinks are created equal. That is why you certainly need a mix of them and vary up the anchor text as well to remain natural looking. Google the keywords your are trying to rank for and look at the backlinks for all top 10 sites. You will likely pick up on a few patterns you can learn from doing this as well. Are the backlinks trades or are they one way links? Is your competitions site very content or info heavy that it seems to pickup backlinks naturally because it is linkable to. Do the research you will be amazed what you find.

Is your site linkable to? Is there a reason people should link to your site?

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