Sunday, November 23, 2008

Getting Your First Site Approved By EPN

EPN (eBay Partner Network) has been really tightening the ropes on new affiliates. This has been going on for probably two months or so. To ensure you get accepted, you really need to look at your site. I would highly recommend building the content first. At the very least a good 6-10 pages of unique content. Forgot about the store pages until you are approved. Plain and simple you must offer up an engaging site, not just a thin doorway site. This will only help you in the future with the SERPS and better engaging the surfer for the long run. This is the hardest lesson any new affiliate webmaster learns and you might as well accept it early. The SERPS and other affiliate programs as well are expecting more engaging sites. I have mentioned this litmus test several times in the past. If you removed all eBay listings and ads off your site, would you even have a site? Does it offer value to the surfer. I am willing to bet the answer from several new webmasters would be no. The quicker you accept the fact you will need to work and add content, the sooner you can get on your way learning other things with affiliate marketing and earning money.

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Anonymous said...

I think that is is probably best to start any site you want to use BANS with on Wordpress for two reasons -
1 Search engines love WP sites
2 when you have sufficient posts then its easy to add BANS using templates.

Anonymous said...

i have an isue which i worry about, i have been approved for EPN, but rejected by eBay US as i am overseas.

Was told by eBay staff "tPlease note that being rejected from the eBay US program means that you
are not able to generate links that direct users to and you do
not get paid for any traffic you may drive there. You can still drive
tracked traffic to eBay and get paid within the programs you are
accepted to."

So basically i am handicapped any ideas how get approved for Ebay US?


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