Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why I Stopped Giving Earnings Updates

I was asked the question by email this morning of why I no longer talk about my earnings and give updates. It is an easy question to answer. I have nothing to gain by posting my earnings and only bad things happen when I do. There are some incredibly weird people that read this blog and the forums that I visit. They make up for not being able to make their own living online by attempting to sabotage others that do. More than once I have caught well known BANS users IP addresses attempting to knock on a few of my servers doors. Also I have had to alert EPN several times when people have tried to sabotage an EPN account of mine. Luckily they are good people at EPN and placed my notices on file and no harm was done. It just makes good business sense for me to continue to teach what I try to teach and help others achieve what I have without giving out earnings. If you have to be driven by a number, you are being driven by the wrong thing. You need to first enjoy what you are doing, then learn to master it and the money will follow. Make financial goals and achieve them. It is sad to see so many new people come into the affiliate marketing field because they think it is so easy and quick money. Trust me when I say, it takes some work and takes making mistakes. I still make mistakes myself except not so many and not so often and not so crucial in nature. When the light comes on in your head and everything starts making sense, it opens up the financial doors even wider. I still get emails from readers wondering what the secret is, the truth is, you are sitting on the secret. Do not let my earnings drive you, let your own earnings and abilities drive you. Do not live vicariously through me, live vicariously through yourself as I do with myself. I love being so empowered, I highly suggest you empower yourself as there is no greater feeling in the world. Now get busy.

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Anonymous said...

Soggy- would be interesting sometime to hear more about what people are doing to sabotage your EPN account and BANS sites, and, more importantly, how you figured out it was happening. I've seen folks on the BANS forums mention it, but never understood what people are doing, what they gain by doing it, and how people know when it is happening. Thanks!

JR on May 19, 2009 at 10:00 PM said...

I totally agree, I run a successful IM blog and my pro readers understand why I never post my niches, my sites, earnings or none of that, too many losers and haters who would take advantage.

It is a fact that when you own a flagship blog for IM or MMO, those who post earnings and their niches/kw are usually not truly pros, they are usually newbies who think MMO is the magic money tree and they usually post fake earnings to get you to buy something, the truly successful marketers know the dangers and will never do that. There are a couple of honest ones I know of that do post earnings but they are rare and they would never give away KW and niches.

And I agree Soggy, there is no magic, just hard work, you gotta jump in and start, the experience will take you where you need to go.

soggy on May 20, 2009 at 10:15 AM said...

@Anonymous Putting info out on negative actions will not do anyone any good. As far as locating them, Google is your friend.

cldnails on May 29, 2009 at 1:27 PM said...

Sorry to hear Soggy, I had the same thing happen to my BANs stores. Had a jack leg competitor bomb my links and got me booted from EPN.

What to do? Oh well, made me appreciate diversification and thinking a lil more creatively.


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