Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Build A Niche Store Guide Available Thursday

Well the eager anticipation awaits many as the Build A Niche Store Guide is due to be released this evening. It is so good to see the excitement level back in so many BANS users. Many of the BANS critics seem to be forgiving as well and seem to be willing to hop back on the wagon. You will not be disappointed with the guide. The Firminger's have put every ounce of energy into this ebook. Whether you use BANS, Wordpress or Joomla as your content management system, you can learn from this guide. Some information will be new to you, while some will be very familiar from what I have taught here. All in all it is your well laid out business plan and will enhance your confidence, knowledge and faith as a niche store builder. Happy reading and congratulations to Adam and Kelvin on an excellent guide. :)

Edited To Add: Currently Delayed

From Adam and Kelvin:

As we've delved into our new product presentation format this past week we've seen numerous ways of improving the presentation and illustration of certain points we're trying to make.

We, therefore, want to take the time to see these improvements through and launch day is now set - in stone - to:

8am EDT Time Thursday 16th July 2009.

The Number 1 Way To Make Money Online will go on sale at this time for $24.95 and will stay at $24.95 for the first 24 hours only.

Meaning that at 8am EDT Time Friday 17th July 2009 the price will go up.

To give you a better picture of what's coming our now full product presentation is live which includes written extracts from the guide itself:

The Number 1 Way To Make Money Online

It's a tribute to spring - and the return of reality inside the make money online market.

Thanks for your continued interest and support.

Kelvin and Adam

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colorexpert on July 12, 2009 at 1:10 PM said...

Any idea what time it will be released?


soggy on July 12, 2009 at 1:15 PM said...

@colorexpert Just know it was to be some time today according to Kelvin.


Alan said...

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. Can't stand myself. Will they be sending out another email?

soggy on July 12, 2009 at 1:53 PM said...

@Alan Yes. To my understanding you will be getting another email announcing the release and availability. Hang in there.


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