Friday, September 18, 2009

I Am A Lucky Guy

Yes, I am working today, but today I also celebrate 16 years of marriage to my beautiful wife. We actually have been together for 23 years now as we lived together 7 years before we tied the knot. So I am taking it a bit easy as far as a work load today, very easy. I do not take many of these type days, but I do enjoy stopping and smelling the roses along the way every now and again. So excuse me that I do not have anything insightful or stupid for you today, as I am smelling roses, my wife's roses. I am a very lucky guy and very thankful for it.

EDITED TO ADD: I take it back, I have something both insightful and stupid for all of you today. I give you the People of Wal-Mart!

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Mike on September 19, 2009 at 1:52 PM said...

Congratulations! We all need to take stock once in a while and appreciate our situation, or "count our blessings." Have a great day..

Dave on September 20, 2009 at 4:18 AM said...

I've been with my wife for 32 years, sometimes it's tough but all that history is what makes a relationship work. Congratulations mate, if you find a good'un stick with her.


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