Sunday, February 21, 2010

Best Spinner 45% Off For Limited Time Only

The Best Spinner is back on sale for a limited time and is currently 45% off for ONLY $47.00 a year. This spinner is a steal at full price so you should not miss this opportunity to get it at an even better price now. The software continues to be updated almost ever other day as Jon Leger continues to add more features to it. The latest being the ability to submit right into his article directory upon completion. There are rumored to be other cool features to be added as well. I am not at liberty to disclose those as they have not been set in stone. Trust me though. I have hated spinners in the past, but if you do as much article marketing as I do, this tool is a gift from heaven. I have not been told how long this latest discount will last, so hurry with your decision.

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Anonymous on February 23, 2010 at 9:35 AM said...

Thanks Dave. Anytime I can save money it's worthwhile. Sean....


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