Friday, March 28, 2025

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cutts On Article Marketing

Matt Cutts recently commented in the video below his thoughts on article marketing. Even though he frowns on it, you can tell if done right, it can help in your back-linking process. The problem is that not everyone does the process right. They do not start with a good high quality article to spin. They then do not spin it thoroughly using The Best Spinner, do not spin and rotate their anchor text and they likely do not belong to some good networks such as SEO Link Vine.

Article marketing should only be a small portion of your back link building strategy as well and all back link building should be slow and as natural looking as well. As best as you can get it. People hate to hear that it takes a good 6 months to a year to get a site seeded real well and producing a reasonable income. The old days of knocking out 1000 directories and submitting one article to 50 article directories in the first week is over.

Although Matt says they frown on article marketing, it can still be effective if done right. I have many sites that are proof of this. If you do it like 80% of the masses try to do, it will not help one bit. Take your time, spin them good, rotate the anchor text and pages they link to and submit over time.

Also be working on building other as close as natural backlink methods too. Not just through articles.

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Trevor on April 16, 2011 at 9:26 AM said...

Just wanted to say that it’s real nice to see someone giving real information like this on their blogs. You don’t see this to often.

Keep up the great work.


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