Sunday, June 22, 2008

Googlebot Has Yet To Purchase Anything

I am seeing more and more Build A Niche Stores that are falling back in the traps of some keyword stuffing in their content and store pages. To make matters worse they are bolding every instance of that keyword or keyword phrase as well. Sometimes we lose fact that we are building these stores for the customer and not the Googlebot. Trust me when I say if it is unnatural it will come back to bite you in the butt. Build your store and content pages for the surfer first, while keeping the search engines in mind. I have yet to see Googlebot make a purchase from any of my stores and I doubt it will any time soon. Sure you should make sure you mention your keywords a few times, but do not over do it. Build naturally and practice good quality backlinks and fill your site with rock solid content. Just because a piece of software is sold to create gobs of keyword driven bland content, does not mean that it will help you. Do not fall into the traps of the paid easy path. Like my dad use to ask me. "If Tommy jumped off the top of the Empire State building, would you do it too?" Often times people search for the easy, quick way to easy street and waste so much time doing it, they never do the things right in front of them that they know deep down inside are the right things to do. The business of affiliate marketing is not easy while at the same time it is not overly difficult. Proper SEO onsite and offsite combined with solid content along with quality backlinks will get you where you need to be. Don't go doing the wrong things just because Tommy is doing it.

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Charles Trankina on June 23, 2008 at 8:19 AM said...

Good advice. Unfortunately too many people seek instant gratification in affiliate marketing -- either by circumventing sound business practices or out of pure ignorance. Kudos to you for providing an excellent BANS resource.


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