Thursday, March 13, 2025

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Always Give The Surfer An Option To Buy Something

With the dawn of the Wordpress Build A Niche Store template integration and the ability to build more of a niche hub, one should not lose sight of always giving the surfer the ability to purchase something within a couple of clicks. Even though our BANS stores or other product integrations are not at the forefront of the site, does not mean it is not easily accessible from anywhere on the site or in individual post or pages. I do not just mean in the navigational menus either. Perhaps you make weekly blog post on a product review or news on a specific brand or product, always put a link in that post or page to a product page featuring your auctions or affiliate store listings. If you post a review of fuzzy red widgets, link them directly to the fuzzy red widgets you have for sale using strong anchor link text. This will also help over time in deep linking throughout your site. You can also change up the anchor text in the next post, should you post in the future about fuzzy red widgets. You can not make the horse drink, but you can engage it and lead it to the water source so to speak.

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