Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Do Not Hide That You Are An Ebay Affiliate

As we delve more and more into what EPN wants from us as affiliates, I hearken back to what I have been preaching for a while. Do not hide the fact that you are an eBay affiliate and list products for sale on eBay. I wear the now listed on eBay image with pride and never cloak any of my affiliate links. If you have to trick someone into clicking your links and setting a cookie, you are going about it the wrong way.

If you have not done so already, I highly suggest getting Google analytics installed on your niche stores and start tracking your bounce rate. The lower the bounce rate the more you are engaging your surfers which is exactly what EPN wants. Also look for returning visitors to your site and bookmarks. Repeat customers are fantastic and it means you have earned their trust as well.

Affiliate marketing is moving more and more into the mold that Pepperjam is using and that is transparency. The more transparent you are, the more trusted your sites are deemed.

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