Thursday, March 13, 2025

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pink Steve Comments On The BANS Software

Came across an interesting thread on the EPN discussion board regarding a user asking particularly about the Build A Niche Store software. Steve replied as I hoped he would in that thread, basically stating that it could be used to build great niche sites or lousy ones. His further comments reflect what I have been trying to state for quite a while, where one should build a niche site first that educates the surfer with original content and reviews. simply putting up an out of the box BANS store will not fly under the radar with EPN or with Google for that matter.

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Anonymous said...


The thread was getting pretty nasty about BANs sites but I agree with you. In the long run, good content drives SERP and Traffic. Although Google seems to really respond to backlinks, without content I believe SERPs will eventually fall. Perhaps ePn is looking for better content to drive traffic to eBay (not sure why) and if that is a requirement, then BANs users need to respond. Thanks for the blog!

Anonymous said...

That was me that defended BANS and that Steve agreed with. Felt pretty good at the time when I was still banned. I got unbanned with the help of Steve shortly after that post was made.

My confidence in Ebay is still a bit shaken but looking at other programs, Ebay is just the best!


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