Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday, August 28, 2008

How To Come Up With Niche Site Blog Topics

When I make a post on one of my many Wordpress/BANS sites, it can often be a challenge to break from the norm of conjuring up a product review or news item for that niche. I often time turn to similar niche blogs or forums to do some quick reading on what people are asking, stating or looking for. With a quick 30 minute run I jot down a few ideas and can usually come up with enough to at least carry me through a couple of post.

You can use the Google Blog search to find related blogs to your niche and use Google itself to find related message boards or forums. Look for questions of "how to" or "tip" type post. The internet is a powerful tool, just be creative in using it and in no time you will have niche specific topics to post about.

How do you find niche topics to blog about?

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JakeCpuNut on August 29, 2008 at 7:30 AM said...

I think Yahoo Answers is a great place to find things to write about. Just search Yahoo Answers for your niche and you may find hundreds of questions/answers about your niche. I usually take the questions and post them on my blog, the rewrite the answer that was given or just come up with my own answer.

shelly656 on August 29, 2008 at 9:50 AM said...

I use Yahoo answers also. For some news stories since WP can support Java I get some news videos or stories from Voxant newsroom, I also use Google reader to research some topics. Sometimes I throw in a tutorial from Youtube or MetaCafe. Like you said the internet is endless.


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