Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome Browser Now Available For Download

Firefox and Explorer have a new friend in the browser arena as today Google introduced it's new Google Chrome browser. Versions of the new Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux are still in development and not yet ready for release. Google says the project was initially inspired by other open-source type projects, including Apple's WebKit and Mozilla's Firefox. The Mozilla Corporation, who makes Firefox, and its parent company, the Mozilla Foundation, which develops Firefox and other open-source type projects, have a financial friendship with Google which was just renewed through November of 2011.

Microsoft has already responded to the news of Google's new browser saying, "The browser landscape is highly competitive, but people will choose Internet Explorer 8 for the way it puts the services they want right at their fingertips ... and, more than any other browsing technology, puts them in control of their personal data online," Internet Explorer general manager Dean Hachamovitch said in a statement.

I have downloaded and begun toying with it, but can not give you a good review as of yet. Usually anthing Google touches and dedicates themselves to, usually turns out good. I suspect it will go through many enhancements as it works through bugs and user suggestions.

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