Thursday, March 13, 2025

Monday, September 22, 2008

Keep Your Fonts Consistent

Keeping a professional look on your Build A Niche Store sites is very important. Time and time again I help people who are struggling to earn better money and the first thing I notice is the overall site appearance. Now let me say that I do not expect everyone to be a graphic designer and in this post I am more or less focusing on the written content part. I can not urge enough to keep your font and font size as consistent as possible throughout your site. It looks amateurish to see different pages in different fonts and font sizes. Sometimes you only get one chance at a first impression. Colored text is a big turnoff. Now it is OK to color a highlighted bolded keyword phrase every now and again, especially if it links to another page, but do not go overboard. Look at other major e-commerce sites out there and notice the consistency they keep with font sizes and font types. You can really learn alot from visiting some higher profile stores. Pick a font and size and stick with it.

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