Thursday, February 24, 2011

Awesome Twenty Ten Weaver

I have been quite busy with doing a few new builds and recently was turned on to the Twenty Ten Weaver Wordpress themes. Everyone has seen the new default Wordpress theme, Twenty Ten, well the Weaver child themes makes easier than ever to customize. The theme extends the Twenty Ten theme by offering much more functionality such as customizing design colors and inserting code into the head area of your site as well as other areas. The best thing many of you will like is that it is easy to use and free. The video below does not do it justice, but the Weaver system is great for a newbie or advance webmaster. I have always liked themes with easy to add headers and this theme will let adjust sizes very easily. You need to play with this as it includes several child themes that look great and are easy to change colors on as well. Try it, you will love it too.

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Bruce on February 25, 2011 at 9:54 PM said...

The video you have posted here is not of the Weaver theme, but of something else. But it is interesting in that there is nothing that that the theme does in the video that couldn't be duplicated using Weaver.

soggy on February 25, 2011 at 11:03 PM said...

Sorry posted wrong one.


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