Monday, March 31, 2025

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

PHPZon Wordpress Amazon Plugin

Wade and the great people that brought you the PHPBay Wordpress plugin are now putting the final touches on the new PHPZon Wordpress plugin. This plugin produces Amazon product listings in the same fashion the PHPBay plugin does with eBay listings. There are still a few minor tweeks they are making, but let me tell you that this is a great plugin. I put a screenshot of a post I did on the left. If you do not already own PHPBay, I highly suggest you go get it and also PHPZon. These are MUST HAVE tools when building niche sites. Especially if you have graduated to the BANS/Wordpress integrations. Hats off to Wade and company for a great plugin as I am having a ton of fun playing with it and implementing it into some of my stores.

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Unknown on October 21, 2008 at 3:01 PM said...

where did you find this? I have looked over a the site and cannot find it.

Can you pull eBay and Amazon together?

soggy on October 21, 2008 at 3:16 PM said...

You can use both together if you use both PHPBay and PHPZon in the post. You have to own PHPBay to be able to purchase PHPZon as of right now until the official release is out. Owners of PHPBay can currently buy PHPZon for 30 bucks. Details are in the forum of PHPBay.


Tao on October 22, 2008 at 2:38 AM said...

Wow! That looks really neat.

Good design too.
These guys are going from strength to strength!

Anonymous said...

I jumped on this as soon as Wade made it available and I love it. Works great as a pre-release and I can only imagine how much better it will be when he's completely done.

I have been quite a few click throughs already since installing it as there are most likely Amazon products for the niche you already have.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,

Putting tags on the posts in a blog seems to help out in the search rankings.

Can tags be added to bans store pages?

I have bans stores with a wordpress blog on the front end and a bans store on the backend.



Unknown on July 23, 2009 at 10:27 PM said...

Can you put phpZon listings in the side panel like you can with phpBay?

profitweaver on September 26, 2009 at 1:38 PM said...

I think it is a nice script. It produces good pages and is easy to use. Time will tell how good it is at pulling visitors though.


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