Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Protect Your Adsense Account

Sometimes evil people do evil things. Mostly it is caused by jealousy or plain out evilness. Some people will try to get others Adsense accounts terminated by using their publisher code. To avoid others from doing this, log into your Adsense account and click AdSense Setup and then click Allowed Sites. From there, you can choose the second option that reads....

Only allow certain sites to show ads for my account
In the field provided, list URLs of sites you want to show your ads. Then click "Save changes". If you put your ad code on a page not on this list, ads will still show, but impressions and clicks will not be recorded.

Then enter in ALL of your domains that have permission to run Adsense and click Save Changes at the bottom. Now only those allowed sites will be able to use your Adsense publisher ID number.

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Anonymous said...

Great tip. Thanks for this.

Mark Hansen on January 8, 2009 at 6:22 AM said...

I actually had a similar issue where I noticed hundreds of extra impressions in my adsense tracking tools, but they were not being generated on my URL channel list in reporting. What I found is that in several of the BANS WordPress themes I had released, there was an adsense block that I had pre-coded, using my own adsense ID. In the installation directions, it said to replace with the users own adsense ID... but it was apparently not done.

I ended up doing the exact thing you mention, and all has been good since.

Happy New year Dave

Anonymous said...

Sogs, ol' buddy, I just noticed that your post titles don't display for me using IE6 under XP SP2.

Firefox does indeed display them, but there must be lots of folks like me who like IE but are reluctant to do IE7 or, perish the thought, IE8...

BTW, I'd like to see the date on each post (the time is pretty much worthless). The date would make it easy to retrieve related articles and chronologicalize them...

Thanks for really valuable content!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sogs, I found that IE6 will display your post title if I do a mouseover in the blank space where the title is supposed to be... but sometimes it disappears again...


soggy on January 8, 2009 at 8:18 PM said...

John, It is on my list to do... Just low on importance. Hopefully IE6 users will be forced to upgrade soon.



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