Sunday, January 4, 2009

Youtube Is Very Useful For Learning

Youtube is not only good for content on your site, but also a fine source for tutorials on just about anything computer related. I was wanting to learn a new video editing program I downloaded and low and behold there was a great 5 minute video by someone on Youtube. Everything from installing Wordpress to transfering your nameservers to 301 redirects to the new software you just downloaded. There probably is a good tutorial video waiting for you on Youtube. Make sure to sort the results by date added, as this will give you the latest videos related to what you are searching for.

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Anonymous said...


I am considering a video type blog, is there a way to set it up to pull videos on auto feed and let visitors download there own videos as well. Thanks in advance for any info you can share.


soggy on January 5, 2009 at 8:47 PM said...

With Wordpress, I am sure there is a plugin. I just do not use it. Pulling just videos without adding unique text would be a bit spammy in my honest opnion.



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