Monday, January 5, 2009

Use The News To Your Advantage

Setting up Google news alerts in relation to your niche will alert you every time a news story is posted in relation to the niche or keywords you have set it up to follow. You can then formulate the news into your own words and make a very timely and topical blog post in relation to your niche. I do this quite a bit with some of my own niches and you would be surprised at the traffic it yields. This is sometimes termed, piggybacking. Often times you will want to link to the news article itself as it will add credibility to your own post as well. Google news alertsare very easy to set up and will be sent straight to your email of choice. Be as specific as you can in what you want to be alerted to as to save yourself time thumbing through stories totally unrelated. You can also use this for blog alerts as well.

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