Monday, March 31, 2025

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Javascript Is Not A Bad Thing

I have been platying around with some of the new EPN tools and turning the RSS feeds into javascript to show listings on some sites, to see the usefulness. I am seeing some great results with the only drawbacks being that Google does not index the javascript, which is not a new secret. If your content on the page can hold it's own, I really see no need to have the listings cached. Google has been using javascript for quite a while with Google adsense with great results and is not in a hurry to change it. So if you find and affiliate program that offers RSS feeds and you want to display them as javascript, I think you have nothing to be afraid of. I am finishing up some projects to show newbies how to use EPN with free blogger platforms such as blogger using the EPN RSS feed generator and Yahoo Pipes, so you will want to stay tuned for that soon.

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lrbeetravel on April 5, 2009 at 8:58 PM said...

Nice posts. Looking forward to the detail. I have tried the RSS feed from EPN on a couple of sites but it doesn't look nearly this good.

C.Bailey on April 6, 2009 at 12:08 PM said...

Hi Soggy.

First, yes I agree having some easy javascript snippets can't hurt and when replacing adsense can be a money maker. However, not having a spiderable listing will allow you to miss out on some great opportunities.

For example, one of my automotive websites receives about 1500 uniques per day, the majority all long tail keywords. While this blog is supported with content, a lot of the searches are from those who search specifically for my eBay listings. They get results since my listings are not javascript, rather use the phpBay wordpress plugin.

If you are looking for a cheaper solution, I'd suggest trying to configure CarpRSS to do your bidding. I've had marginal success with this script and once it's setup, adding it to html is a breeze.

soggy on April 6, 2009 at 1:33 PM said...

Yes. I primarily am looking for easy options for the free blogging platform readers of this blog. Better long tail focused content will indeed help the burden of not having indexed listings and sure you will miss some long tail still, but hopefully one is building engaging content as well to help with being so totally reliant on Google organic as the main source. I by no means am saying using java is a complete substitute only an option. Thanks for the comment.


Anonymous said...

Isn't this against epn rules now? I mean, no the Javascript thing but using blogger or public blogs to promote epn? I think they changed the rules May 2009.

soggy on May 5, 2009 at 8:14 AM said...

You will not place Links or Promotional Content in third-party newsgroups, message boards, blogs, comments, link farms, forums, classified ad services, counters, chatrooms or guestbooks unless it is allowed by their terms and conditions.

the key words are unless it is allowed by their terms and conditions. Which in Bloggers case it is!


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