Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chitika Comes Alive

Not to be confused with Frampton Comes Alive, but the Chitika affiliate program has really been performing well as of late. i have used them in the past, but some niches just were not pulling well. It seems that the network has grown over the months though as there seems to be better matches. The best placement I have cross tested is above the content using one of the mega units.

Remember it is your search engine traffic that sees the ads, if you choose to, you can set it to show a different affiliate ad such as Adsense to your non SERP traffic. The CTR (click through ratio) has been extremely high on sites I reintroduced it to over the last 45 days. The income is very satisfactory as well. If you haven't used Chitika in a while or are thinking about trying it, I highly suggest it.

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