Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another Reason To Use Twitter & Facebook

I will let this article speak for itself, but here is just another reason you should be using social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. You can see a running example right now for Heisman Trophy. Notice the scroll box half way down the results front page. I am a huge fan of Twitter and Facebook and the two have helped tremendously over the year. If you have not attacked these two, you better get on it. It's not too late.

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Internet Money Whiz on December 17, 2009 at 12:38 AM said...

No matter how many times I hear it, I still cannot see the value that Twitter provides for the average punter when it comes to online marketing.

Sure, Twitter has been used successfully my multi-national corporations for campaigns, but that is the only time I have seen Twitter providing measurable success...and even then it is often short-lived.

Facebook on the other hand provides far more interactivity, and I hope I'm not the only one that feels that Facebook just 'feel's more legitimate than Twitter.

I'd love to see some case studies of success usage of Twitter by internet marketing individuals, to make significant profits to prove me wrong!

Internet Money Whiz on December 17, 2009 at 12:39 AM said...

No matter how many times I hear it, I still cannot see the value that Twitter provides for the average punter when it comes to online marketing.

Sure, Twitter has been used successfully my multi-national corporations for campaigns, but that is the only time I have seen Twitter providing measurable success...and even then it is often short-lived.

Facebook on the other hand provides far more interactivity, and I hope I'm not the only one that feels that Facebook just 'feel's more legitimate than Twitter.

I'd love to see some case studies of success usage of Twitter by internet marketing individuals, to make significant profits to prove me wrong!


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