Monday, March 31, 2025

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Moving Wordpress From A Subdirectory To The Root Of A Domain

It has been a long time since I have needed to move Wordpress from a subdirectory to the root of a domain, but recently had to do one of larger sites this way because of certain needs the site had. It is not a fun thing to do, but can be painless if you take your time and do things right. Now you can do things the way Wordpress suggest or you can do it a little less painlessly by following the video below made by Free Technology Tutorials. I have done it both ways and like the second way shown in the video much better. I recently moved one using this method and it went flawless except for a few extra 301 re-directs that I needed done that my buddy Hank from Money Code helped me with.

Before you tackle moving Wordpress in any direction, I highly suggest you take a few precautions before doing so.

1. Do you really need to move it? Do you know exactly why you want to move it? Make sure you know the purpose of moving it.

2. Plan out all the layout, template design, widgets and any URL structure you may need to do before starting. Make a check list of things to do after the move to limit your down time.

3. Decide if you will block out all surfers and search engines while moving the site and set up an appropriate robots.txt file before starting. You may want to allow only your own IP address to view changes before going back live again.

4. Make sure you have backups of all databases and files to keep as originals should anything go wrong. This way you can restore the original should you mess something up and need to attack it another day.

5. Did I mention backing up you files and databases? Just making sure you understand how important this is.

6. Understand completely all the steps of moving before attempting.

7. Will you be needing Big Dump to import a large database? It is a great free script if you are moving a site that has a ton of content or post.

8. After the move look at everything. Go through the site with a fine tooth comb and check links and redirects. Try not to abandon or over look anything before letting surfers and spyders back in.

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