Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Neil Patel tells It Like It Is

The great Neil Patel posted yesterday about the 7 Harsh Realities of SEO. There is no way in the world I could ever of said it better. Patel really hits it on the head here albeit with nothing really earth shattering. I think you will see that most everything I try to convey in my own blog, runs parallel with what Patel says. People do not want to hear truths like these, but facts are facts. Everyone is constantly looking for shortcuts without following the realities of this business. I think Patel puts TOO much emphasis on exact match domain names, but common sense should tell you that if you can grab an exact match, grab it. It should not be the deciding factor on whether you tackle a niche or not though. If I had to rank the 7 harsh realities he posted, I would put exact domain name match last. Nonetheless, the post should be bookmarked and referred to on occasion as a refresher.

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