Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Ebay Category Changes Are Now Live

If you are running ANY platform that uses eBay Partner Network, you need to check all of your sites this morning. eBay has made live several new category changes and yopu were likely affected by these numerous changes. Here is a page that list the category changes. Also, Sonjay from the BANS forum has a tool up to let you know what is in what category as well. These category changes have affected BANS as well as PHPBay, so do regardless of whatever platform or plugin you are using to show listings, you should probably sift through ever page on every site to be on the safe side.

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JR on February 9, 2010 at 10:36 PM said...

Thank you so much for letting us know, I appreciate it. I assume then that BANS is no longer doing the auto updates of categories as they did in the past?

soggy on February 10, 2010 at 6:48 AM said...

I would not count on any updates, no!



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