Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Warrior Forum Is No Place For A Newbie

Let me start off by saying, I love the Warrior forum. I dedicate an hour a week to surfing around and reading there. There are really some great tips, ideas, ebooks, tools and products that are hocked there as well. All of that said, it is no place for someone new to this business to be. The problem lies in the fact that a newbie does not know what the good stuff is and what the bad stuff is. They are the ones that fall for the guaranteed number 1 in Google products and the submit your site to 2000 search engine type post. There are more things that are sold there that are a waste of money, than good stuff. If you are newbie and insist on surfing there, do it with the intention of just reading first. Read everything. Read the whole thread, not just the sales pitch. Get to know who the most reputable posters are there. Yes, I am a regular there, but you will not recognize my name. I am easy to spot after you have read there on a daily basis. If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. Remember that in this business there are only methods and plans. Anything that sounds like a shady cheat or practice, is one. The search engines might not catch you now, but they will. The good stuff on the Warrior forum usually, but not all the time, rises to the top. All of that said, a newbie should learn the basics first and learn how to make $5.00 a month with any site before jumping head first into the Warrior forum. It is the deep end of the pool with Playboy bunnies and drug dealers. There are no lifeguards there as well and you can drown very easily and noone would ever know it.

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