Friday, March 28, 2025

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tynt Link Attribution Script Tool

I ran across this post on Search Engine Journal in which Jurgen Estanislao gives the ends and outs of the free Tynt Link Attribution Tool. I am putting it to use on a site starting next week that I know gets a ton of both scrapers and individual copy and pasters on it. I am more curious how responds to the scrapers, because as Jurgen covers in the article, anyone can just remove the link that copy and paste if indeed that is their intent. Some times surfers will just copy and paste articles, stories or reviews straight into forums not knowing how to attribute with a link. This will help solve that for those that just do not know better or are not up on etiquette. The only other drawback is no anchor text, but it does give a natural looking back link and it is not likely to happen so often that it dominates your backlink profile. It is easy to install just like pasting a script in your blog template or footer.

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