Thursday, October 28, 2010

Best Of The Web 20% Off Directory Listing Coupon Code

Best Of The Web is a fantastic and trusted web directory to be listed in and you have 3 days left to take care of a nice 20% off discount before it expires. Using them is getting a quality link from a well trusted source and now is your opportunity to do so. The coupon code you need to take advantage of this offer is SAVE20 and it will automatically knock off 20% of the regular price which ends up being a nice savings. There are only three days left to take advantage of this offer so you need to decide quick which sites you want to get listed or you can wait for the next discount to be offered as they usually do this a few times a year. I am taking advantage of it on quite a few of my sites this go around. I have used and advertised them for some time now.

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Anonymous said...

I have been reluctant to submit any of my sites to them because I do not want to be out the fee if my sites are rejected. I have epn sites with original content, but I am not sure this is enough to pass their scrutiny. Have you ever had any sites rejected, and do you have any suggestions for epn sites that are submitted for approval?


soggy on October 30, 2010 at 3:13 PM said...

I have NEVER had one rejected. I would stay away from very cookie cutter thin sites though just in case.



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