Saturday, October 9, 2010

Do Picture Only Blogs Work?

I was recently asked what I thought about autoblogs that post only pictures. I can say that I have only 2 set up using the WP Robot plugin that post only pictures from Flickr and they each earn 20-30 bucks a month mostly with Adsense ads. Now you may have seen the one Michelle McPherson has had up for a while targeting Cool Tattoos. This site has been around for a while and I believe uses the Photo Dropper plugin. Now 20-30 bucks might not seem like a bunch, but that is 300 a year earnings based on 25 bucks a day. Now some niches are better suited than others, but 300 bucks for a $169 plugin you can use to do a myriad of things with is a great investment. That is if you you only use the Flickr Module. If you are new, just start with that and slowly learn how to maximize the use of other modules. Also if you only use the Flickr module and post only photos once or twice a day, you should be able to fly under the radar of a shared host like Hostgator that normally frowns on autoblogs because of the load it places on servers.

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JR on October 12, 2010 at 9:53 PM said...

I can attest that picture only blogs work and make money, I have one it makes money with Adsense, Kontera, and some affiliate banners. Most posts are the Flickr plugin only pics and then occasionally I will hand write a guide of about 700-1000 words, but rarely.


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