Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Plenty Of Time To Still Vote

I wanted to give a PSA of sorts to remind everyone that is a registered voter in the United States of America, that there is still plenty of time for you to get out and vote. The media will tell you that this is a very important election, but in fact every election is important and you should vote in every one of them. Now is the time for us business owners to stand up and take back this fine country of ours. Business built this country and helped make it what it is today. The government and society as a whole seems to have forgotten that. If we continue down the path we are on, we are headed for a complete and total meltdown of Western civilization. Please get out and vote and let's change this today. Your vote is important.

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Anonymous said...

you just lost a very long time daily reader and fan and fellow Westie owner with this post.Perhaps you have a personal blog that you could use to express such "take back our country" opinions. This was were I came every day to get great insight on topics and solutions that no one else covered. Until today.

soggy on November 3, 2010 at 8:44 AM said...

Best of luck to you in your ventures then.



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