Thursday, March 13, 2025

Monday, September 15, 2008

Double Column BANS On Root Wordpress Template

I now have released the new double 3 column BANS template converted to Wordpress and can be installed with BANS on the root and Wordpress in a directory called blog.

This theme has both sidebars enabled for widgets as well.

This template is also very EASY to install and I am also including 8 style sheets of different colors for those that do not know how to edit the template colors.

I have tested this on both Hostgator and Lunarpages hosting and should be compatible for any server that allows PHP includes.

As always, I offer great support on every purchase as you can see by the feedback on the BANS forum. Demo can be seen here.

Template pack only cost $29.00 Buy Now

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Anonymous said...

Hey Soggy,
These look great! Can they work with Wordpress on the root and BANS in a directory?

soggy on September 16, 2008 at 4:50 PM said...

I have a version of that coming soon.

JaxRolo on September 28, 2008 at 3:34 PM said...

How soon before you come out with the New Templates?

Also there seems to be a problem with the Demo Version.

soggy on September 28, 2008 at 7:23 PM said...


That is a WP plugin error I am solving, not a problem with the template.

Anonymous said...

Soggy, can you clear up something for me. Since the template incorporates both bans and wordpress, do you need to enter the blog via wordpress and the stores via bans. Its a little confusing sorry if this sounds like a dumb question.

soggy on October 27, 2008 at 7:55 AM said...

You have 2 admin sections if that is what you are asking. One for BANS which I call the store side and one for Wordpress which I call the content side.



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