Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sunday, September 14, 2008

How The BANS Wordpress Templates Work

I have gotten a few emails and private messages from newer BANS members inquiring how the BANS Wordpress templates work and if they can convert established stores. I thought I would use this post to educate all who may be curious.

The templates are just that. Templates. The tie together both BANS and Wordpress with one theme. The navigation menus, ad spots and sidebars are all tied together via PHP includes to give a seemless finished product. A current store can be converted easily as it is only the template you are changing, not the content. If you are converting a site that has BANS installed on the root, you will need a template that utilizes BANS on the root and Wordpress in a directory named blog. You can easily move BANS off the root if you wish and into a directory named store if you want to use a template designed to use Wordpress on the root. I will be glad to help with doing this as well if interested.

If you have made any major customizations to your site like PHP includes in the header or footer, I will be glad to help consult you on integrating these back in as well.

Both versions work great regardless of BANS or Wordpress being used on the root. I do lean toward using Wordpress on the root if at all possible as it opens you up to a bit more customization down the line. This is not a must however as several sites I have that utilize BANS on the root and Wordpress in a blog directory also perform well.

I hope this clears up a few things for the newer users of BANS and as always feel free to email or PM me any specialized questions you might have.

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Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let everyone know that I bought Soggy's BANS on Root template package and it's great.

Once you learn the few spots that you need to change in order to modify the header links, add in an analytics script and any other custom work, an existing store can be converted over in 20 minutes. They look great and certainly will help in making "engaged visitors" much more than just the BANS alone.

Soggy was great in helping deal with a few little issues I had and now I know the codes very well. If you're serious about BANS, but his templates!

...and Soggy didn't tell me to say this!

Great job Soggy!

mike1144 on March 24, 2010 at 1:28 AM said...

i must say great post
good information. thanks for sharing:)


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